Land for Sale - How can we help the owner to turn land into public space?

Land for Sale - How can we help the owner to turn land into public space?

Session I: 11:00-12:30

Discussion & Recommendations
Groups that help conserve land:
CT Fund for the Environment
American Farm Land
CT Farm Land Trust
American Land Trust
Work Force Alliance
Growing Home Inc. in Chicago, got federal land

Soil testing important
Land rebatement

Tim Ciprano - head of New Haven public schools food

Groups interests: East Haddam Community Garden, CSAs, co-housing, open space left alone for wildlife vs. farming, East Haddam Green Committee, WOOF, Town regs, non-permanent structures, Bill Brown and Eli Whitney museum, fertile ground usa (website), how to get kids onto land, Jack Healy - after school, programs in NH, Chatham Sq in Fair Haven, How to expand the menu of options for land owners? Farm vs. open space for wildlife vs. development.

Road Blocks - property values, taxes, town regulations, building regs, ignorance

Refarming schools in NH - Mayor's program, Community Foundation of Grter NH, Promise (city pays for college education). United Way - to get support staff around schools, old or new programs, focus on achievement gaps in NH. Lee Cruise is the charge of funding green spaces and community gardens in NH. Connecting Common Ground students to their neighborhood gardens - this would help get the broader community connected to youth.

Judy - offered to the group free documentation through her photography. "Power of pictures to story."

Soil Testing needed - UConn Ag station

Farmer - useful occupation

Basement of Branford College @ Yale complete Woodworkers shop

Stay in touch thru - non-profit - a place to share info

Motivators of Landowner:
Community Garden
Common Values we share
We get to decide - cultural values
Education of Interdependence
As economy goes down - how do we help relationships
Need each other
Building Community

Grants for Gardens:
Rockfall Foundation
Grass Roots Environmental Fund

Creating a Menu of Options:
Land Use Regulation - subdivide for houses or commercial
Create More Categories

What makes it work legally and politically among neighbors to have town land used for community garden?
Land Use Bill for CT - if land wanted for recreation use, landowner protected from liability

Fall Creek Consulting:
The Healthy Neighborhood- framework for uses, declare a vision

Martha Hansen
Jonathan Parizer
Melissa Waldron
Sue Staehly
Richard Thomas
Valerie Bannister
Lee Cruz
Marie Pulito
Ben Ross

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